daughter #1 got a promotion at work but with that, she had to move up north to monterey (which is about 2 hours south of san francisco). so, we packed up her west hollywood apartment, and the doggies, and moved her up to monterey this weekend.
"ok, i'm ready for our road trip!"

aoife patiently waits while the uhaul gets another tank of gasoline

(photo courtesy daughter #1)
hello? hello?

if you ever wondered where santa spends his summers,
it's in carpinteria! lol

monterey town clock

our uhaul before the unload

some of the work ahead of us

the girls were very patient while we were busy unpacking

after our work was done, we had a nice dinner...

...and got in a little sightseeing

harbor seals enjoying the fresh sea air

from my daughter's previous apt she could see the hollywood sign,
now she can see the monterey bay!

i hope you enjoyed our little excursion up north. we did a lot of work, we had a lot of fun and we found a couple of new coffee shops that will show up on my
coffee blog over the next three days.
until we meet again my friends-