how cold is it where you are? here in so cal, it's hoodie cold! gotta keep those chihuahua ears warm. i can’t imagine how cold it is in pasadena on the parade route. i drove through there yesterday and there's already people camping out for the tournament of roses parade, two days away! that’s definitely not for us. i think i’ll watch the parade from the comfort of my living room, in my pjs, doggie on my lap and coffee in hand.
bailey is in love with her daddy and her daddy is in love with her. she is definitely a daddy’s girl and has him wrapped around her little paw. this is just one, of many moments i’ve captured over the years, of them together. they are my favorite shots because you can actually feel their love.
at bee’s home in brooklyn, she has a floor to ceiling window with a beautiful view of the brooklyn bridge. she can perch herself on her sofa and watch the world below. here in california, my window isn’t full length and my sofa is up against a wall, so... yesterday we turned our living room around and put our sofa against our window so she can see outside. i don’t have the view she does in brooklyn but at lease she can see what is happening on our street and can warn me if someone walks up our drive. now she's a happy camper.
bailey, posing with my giant 32" steinbach nutcracker. he’s so tall i had to put bailey on an ottoman otherwise you would only see his legs! BOL
did you know?
according to german folklore, nutcrackers were given as keepsakes to bring good luck to your family and protect your home. the legend says that a nutcracker represents power and strength and serves like a trusty watch dog guarding your family from evil spirits and danger. a fierce protector, the nutcracker bares its teeth to the evil spirits and serves as the traditional messenger of good luck and goodwill. (source)
bee, my grand-dog, has left her home in chilly new york, to visit us in chilly california for her xmas holiday. she arrived thursday and will be vacationing with us for the next few weeks. woo-hoo!
it looks like the entire country is experiencing another cold snap and so cal, is no exception. bailey is doing her best to stay warm with her nordic sweater and mexican blanket.
christmas is just 9 days away. if y’all celebrate it, it’s crunch time. we've finished the decorating, the shopping and even the wrapping! are y’all ready or are you last minute shoppers?
yesterday was another cold and rainy day here in "sunny" southern california. it’s so cold bailey needed her hoodie to help keep her little chihuahua ears warm.
the countdown has begun. 3 weeks from today is christmas eve. who’s ready? not me. well, my shopping is pretty much done but my house isn’t ready. i still have my thanksgiving decor up. bailey is still wearing fall colors! forecast is calling for rain tomorrow, so my plan is to switch our home from fall to winter. i will crank up the christmas music and deck the halls with boughs of holly. fa-la-la-la-la, la-la, la-la.