these are just some of the feathered friends that visited us monday morning.
black phoebe

male house finch

female house finches

scrub jay

and then there were these guys. we had
three squirrels running a muck around our yard. (i would chase them away
after i took the pictures but they’re kinda like a boomerang cuz they keep coming back! BOL)
eating the bird’s apple

chilling in my tree

this one’s getting ready to jump up to the bird feeder

they are usually up in the trees or walking on the wall but this guy came down to the lawn!
we even had a CAT visit!!! say what!?

bailey is usually pretty chill when it comes to squirrels around the yard but even she has had enough!
i hope you enjoyed seeing our backyard wildlife as much as i enjoyed sharing it with you.
until we meet again my friends-