Friday, August 29, 2014

product review: good buddy dog cookies

if you saw bailey making a wish a few days ago, then you know that her wish for a box from chewy came true. today she gets to sample and review the contents of that package.

to her surprise, it was a box of castor & pollux good buddy pumpkin & apple flavor dog cookies.

she is already anticipating their tasty goodness.

* the cookies are a good size (bigger than the eisenhower $1 coin) and pretty hard to crumble; which would be fine if bailey wasn't so teeny. i could break it into about 5 pieces but since bailey needs her cookies smashed, i had to get out the rolling pin to make it "bailey-sized".
* they are made with dried pumpkin and dried organic apples so i knew aoife would like them. (i wasn't sure about bailey.)
* chewy's website says they are made in the usa but the package says they are made in canada.
* if you're counting calories, each cookie has approximately 21.
* both dogs gobbled it up and thoroughly enjoyed every bite.

bailey needs help with a cookie but aoife has absolutely no problem eating a cookie on her own. if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth 87 thousand! see for yourself.

disclosure: provided us with the package of treats for our honest opinion of the product. the opinion stated in this review was written by me and was not copy supplied by castor & pollux or chewy.

until we meet again my friends-

Thursday, August 28, 2014

aoife rides a skateboard

if you saw yesterday's post, then you got a sneak peek into today's video!

i guess she's too cool to ride standing up because you'll notice a few seconds in, she decides to sit down. pretty good balance to change position mid-ride! don't ya think?

thanks to ruckus the eskie & love is being owned by a huskie for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

sit & stay

aoife sit.

aoife stay.

good girl.
ok, so this wasn't a wordless post, but it was doggone close! BOL

thanks to blog paws for hosting wordless wednesday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

happy national dog day!

today is national dog day. a day created in 2004 to honor our dogs. are you doing anything special for/with your pooch today? are you taking them out for a tasty treat or an extra long walk? how about just taking a moment out of your busy life to just sit and hold your dog. give them a little extra lovin' because they deserve it. they are your friend, your companion, your confidant. they are always there for you, no matter what; through your happy times and your not so happy times. they don't judge you or expect anything from you. all they want is to love and be loved in return.

until we meet again my friends-

Monday, August 25, 2014

wishes do come true

"i wish ... i wish ..."

"wishes DO come true!"

thanks to alfie's blog, my brown newfies & snoopy's dog blog for hosting monday mischief blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Friday, August 22, 2014

a bandana for bailey

i've been playing around at the sewing machine again and i came up with a bandana for bailey. because i don't really sew, i don't have a craft room with piles of fabric to choose from. heck, i don't even have a craft room, BOL, so i made it out of a cloth napkin. not too bad for my first try. oh, and it's reversible! at least bailey's happy with it and that's all that really matters anyway.

until we meet again my friends-

Thursday, August 21, 2014

stuck lip

i was pulling back bailey's lip to see her clean teeth and when i let go, her lip stayed stuck on her teeth.

just thought i'd share. BOL

thanks to ruckus the eskie & love is being owned by a huskie for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

say uncle!

thanks to blog paws for hosting wordless wednesday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


this is a regular occurrence when aoife is visiting: bailey doesn't finish her meal and doesn't want any more but when aoife gets near her plate, all of a sudden bailey gives her the stink eye and goes into guard mode if aoife gets too close. aoife will creep towards the plate but will always stop short to ask me if it's ok to finish bailey's leftovers. aoife: little miss manners.

until we meet again my friends-

Monday, August 18, 2014

my secret place

aoife is back! and with aoife comes lizard hunting.

she is sure there is one hiding behind this sign. i'm sure the poor lizard was hoping it had found his very own secret place. after all, that is what the sign says. but there are no secret places with aoife around. she is a super snooper and can always find lizards in their hiding places.

thanks to alfie's blog, my brown newfies & snoopy's dog blog for hosting monday mischief blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Friday, August 15, 2014

good news / bad news

what has gotten bailey feeling, and looking, so out of sorts?
yesterday, she had the dreaded dental visit.

good news is she now has clean teeth.
bad news is they had to pull 2, as they were already loose!

this is how she was ever since we got home. she only woke up to eat and then right back to sleep. poor little baby. hopefully she will feel better today and be back to her normal sweetie pie self.

until we meet again my friends-

Thursday, August 14, 2014

a sun umbrella for your dog

bailey needs a sun umbrella that can be left open on a daily basis. the problem is that we live in a very windy city and a regular 8' tall umbrella would get blown away. she needs something closer to the ground so a gust of wind doesn't come up and carry it away (like dorothy's house on the wizard of oz). so we put on our thinking caps and came up with a solution.

enjoying the warmth of the day while being protected from the sun

all you need is a patio umbrella, a piece of pvc pipe, and an umbrella stand. by using pvc, you can cut the pipe to any length with just a hacksaw. when you buy an umbrella, the pole comes in two parts but you will only need the top half. just slide the umbrella half into a piece of pvc pipe. it will fall all the way into the pipe, but we want it to do that.

now just slip the pipe into the umbrella stand and ta-da, you have a custom height umbrella for your pooch. the pipe we used, fits perfectly into our umbrella stand, without any wobble, and keeps our umbrella standing straight. (for bailey we used a 6' umbrella and a 4' piece of 1 1/4" pipe.)

the umbrella stand is perfect for the mobility but we also wanted to have a permanent spot for the umbrella. she mostly hangs out on the south end of our yard, so we cemented a plug into the ground between some stepping stones. it's flush with the stones and does not create a tripping hazard when the umbrella is being used on the north end of the yard.

until we meet again my friends-

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

guard dog on duty ... not!


blog paws for hosting wordless wednesday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

eating al fresco

bailey never sits on our lap during dinner, unless we are eating out. the floor under outdoor tables is generally pretty nasty with dropped/spilled food. it's safer for her if we pick her up so she isn't tempted to eat random floor food. she's usually pretty good about not wanting our food, but yesterday when we went out to eat, she was quite intrigued with hubby's chicken enchilada plate. sorry bailey, it's not for you.

"you are gonna share, aren't you?"

thanks to alfie's blog, my brown newfies & snoopy's dog blog for hosting monday mischief blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Friday, August 8, 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

throwback thursday: glamour shot

remember when glamour shots that were all the rage? everyone got dolled up, went to their local mall and had their pictures taken with the blurry filter. that was so last century, right?
fast forward to 2013. bailey didn't care that the fad was passé, she wanted her glamour shot too. well, this is the 21st century, so instead of going to the mall, we went to my living room, with my ipad & with the help of instagram, bailey had her glamour shot too.

circa 2013

thanks to ruckus the eskie & love is being owned by a huskie for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

the shape of me

thanks to blog paws for hosting wordless wednesday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

painted nails

do you paint your dogs nails? i found these pictures on instagram.
what do you think? yay or nay?

"i always get my nails trimmed but never painted. what's up with that?"

until we meet again my friends-

Monday, August 4, 2014

no mischief here

mischief? au contraire, mon frère! bailey's been a very good girl and was even hubby's helper during another one of his weekend projects.

"i'm daddy's bestest helper."

this guy, however, has been causing lots of mischief in my garden. he is not a welcome visitor and i wish he would just move on.

thanks to alfie's blog, my brown newfies & snoopy's dog blog for hosting monday mischief blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Friday, August 1, 2014

colorado day

today is colorado day. i know this because hubby is originally from colorado. on this day in 1876, colorado became the 38th state to enter the union.

"happy birthday colorado!"

until we meet again my friends-