bailey and i are huge proponents of adoption and rescue. there are thousands pets being killed on a daily basis at the shelters through no fault of their own. the general public has to be made aware that the shelters have perfectly good pets just waiting to be adopted.
yes, shelters are a sad place. yes, it will break you heart when you see so many lonely pets waiting to be freed from their impending doom. no, you may not find the pet you are looking for on your first visit. yes, you may need to return time and time again. believe me, i know.
when i adopted my precious kibbles in 1995, i visited several shelters: pasadena, san gabriel, pomona, baldwin park... and i finally found her in duarte. i made numerous visits to each shelter. it broke my heart that even though i visited the same shelters, there were always different dogs. kibbles was the perfect addition to our family and she lived with us for almost 15 years!
shelter dogs are not defective and i don't think everyone understands that. i get calls on a regular basis, because of my business, asking if i sell dogs. i always refer them to their local shelter and i can tell by their response that is not the answer they were looking for. please help bailey and i to educate the uneducated about rescue and adoption.
until we meet again my friends-