Friday, October 31, 2014

buzz buzz

happy halloween my friends!
as you can see, this year bailey chose to be a bumble bee ...

... a very fancy bumble bee.

now for the creepy crawly.
i found this guy in my garden. but don't worry, he "passed away" shortly after this picture was taken. bwahahaha

thanks to barking from the bayou, oz the terrier and mochas mysteries & meows for hosting this halloween blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Thursday, October 30, 2014

halloween eve

did you know that more than 2/3 of us will dress our pets for halloween? are you one of them? you know we are!

"do you think i'll be a scary monster, a pretty princess or ???
come by tomorrow to find out!"

thanks to ruckus the eskie, love is being owned by a husky and barking from the bayou for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

no fear

little bailey feels safe and protected in daddy's hand.

until we meet again my friends-

Monday, October 27, 2014

unhappy camper

bailey's posture says it all ... unhappy camper.

in case i didn't get the memo, she gave me this face.

ok, ok, i get it, no more beanie. message received, loud and clear.

thanks to alfie's blog, my brown newfies & snoopy's dog blog for hosting monday mischief blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Friday, October 24, 2014

sitting pretty

bailey is sitting pretty and patiently waiting for the weekend to arrive.

"is it the weekend yet?"

btw, if you like bailey's skull & crossbones id tag,
it is available at kibbles place

until we meet again my friends-

Thursday, October 23, 2014

what goes up must come down

when kibbles was still with us and jumping on and off the sofa started to require effort, we bought her some doggie stairs. problem solved - until it wasn't. when she began to have trouble with the stairs, we got her a ramp and she loved it. problem solved - period.

now we have bailey who can jump up like a flea but jumping down causes too much stress on her delicate little legs. and aoife who suffers from arthritis, jumping on or off the sofa is against doctor's orders. our ramps are still providing easy access on and off the sofa and saving the doggies unnecessary strain on their joints.

what goes up ...

... must come down

thanks to ruckus the eskie, love is being owned by a husky and barking from the bayou for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

those faces

thanks to blog paws for hosting wordless wednesday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

sneak peek

bailey thought it would be fun to show a sneak peek of her in her halloween costume. she didn't want to show too much - just a little teaser. does your pooch have a halloween costume?

until we meet again my friends-

Monday, October 20, 2014

jack-o-lantern face

while aoife was resting, bailey entered "her space". this didn't go over to well with aoife, so she decided to try and scare her off by revealing her jack-o-lantern face. BOL


thanks to alfie's blog, my brown newfies & snoopy's dog blog for hosting monday mischief blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Friday, October 17, 2014

are you a good witch or a bad witch?

"who me? i'm not a witch at all. i'm bailey, from california."

"witches are old and ugly."

(thanks to the wizard of oz for the inspiration.)

until we meet again my friends-

Thursday, October 16, 2014

hit me with your best shot

time for a well visit to the vet and ...

"am i gonna get a shot?"

yes, sorry bailey, shots will be involved.

"it's ok, i'll be brave. oh, i think they're calling me."

poor baby. a trip to the vet always takes so much out of her.

thanks to ruckus the eskie & love is being owned by a husky for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


i told aoife this was wordless wednesday, but she wasn't having it. she just had too much to say.

thanks to blog paws for hosting wordless wednesday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

skull cap

just a classic shot of bailey ... in black & white ... wearing a skull cap.

until we meet again my friends-

Monday, October 13, 2014

caution: chihuahuas at play

this was a rare occurrence at casa chihuahua. usually, it's aoife that wants to play with bailey. but this weekend, the tables were turned and it was bailey that wanted to play with the aoife-nator!

"hey aoife, wanna play?"

"you're asking me to play? game on, bailey."

bailey held her own pretty well against aoife. she is normally intimidated by aoife's size but this time it didn't seem to bother her at all. this was the best possible mischief.

thanks to alfie's blog, my brown newfies & snoopy's dog blog for hosting monday mischief blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Friday, October 10, 2014

all wrapped up

while i was putting out the halloween decor, bailey thought it would be fun to take a couple of pictures wrapped in the garland. it sounded like a good idea, so i agreed.

when she saw this shot, she said it looks like she's wearing one of liberace's extravagant capes! and i have to say, i agree with her. BOL

until we meet again my friends-

Thursday, October 9, 2014

the girls

a rare photo where 4# bailey actually looks bigger than 11# aoife! BOL

thanks to ruckus the eskie and love is being owned by a husky for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

appreciate. every. moment.

thanks to blog paws for hosting wordless wednesday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

halloween collars

how fun is halloween when you have a doggie that doesn't mind wearing clothes. this is just the beginning of what's to come.

aoife on the other hand, hates to wear clothes. to get around that fact, i tricked her by only putting a collar on her. she was a bit concerned that it made her look like a boy but i told her if diane keaton can rock mens wear, so can she.

until we meet again my friends-

Monday, October 6, 2014

sleeping beauty awakens

bailey goes from being a sleeping beauty ...

to a squirmy wormy ...

and ends up topsy-turvy as she awakens from her slumber.

thanks to alfie's blog, my brown newfies & snoopy's dog blog for hosting monday mischief blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-