a few weeks ago something happened to bee when she jumped off the sofa. she appeared to be in a lot of pain so daughter #2 took her to the emergency vet where she was diagnosed with IVDD (intervertebral disk disease). she was given pain medication and was advised to be kept on confined rest for two weeks while she recuperated. fast forward to father’s day weekend, she accompanied her parents on a california visit, with her vet’s permission of course. since her condition was still guarded, i continued with her very strict containment and limited activity.
every time she needed to go outside, i would leash her to help keep her calm and to distract her from wanting to jump or run. and since she’s normally a very active dog that loves to run, we sectioned off our yard with some temporary fencing so she was restricted to only a small area.
she was a pretty good patient while she was here but now that she’s back home in new york, she is going to have to get used to her new normal. because of the IVDD, one wrong jump and she could end up paralyzed. she sure could use some potp right about now.
"thank you"

until we meet again my friends-