Tuesday, June 30, 2020


yoo-hoo, bailey...

please look at the camera...

thanks baby girl.

i guess it's my fault. it's hard to get her attention if i don't have a cookie in my hand as a reward treat. my bad.

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until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Monday, June 29, 2020


sometimes bailey just doesn't want to eat on her own. that's when daddy steps in and jump starts her by hand feeding her. he gets her going, then she will continue on her own. um, can you say, spoiled?

blog hop

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Friday, June 26, 2020

sun puddle

what's better than a good nap? a good nap in a sun puddle. ahhhhh.

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Thursday, June 25, 2020

peaceful sleep

my heart melts when i see bailey in such a peaceful sleep. life has dealt her several bad hands, but when she's sleeping, it's as if all of her issues just disappear. sweet dreams little bailey.

until we meet again my friends, stay safe,

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

quote of the day

when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

"what is lemonade?"

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until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Monday, June 22, 2020

father's day

"happy father's day daddy!
i love you to the moon and back."

blog hop

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Friday, June 19, 2020

fry day

"if it's friday, it must be fry day!"

"sniff sniff"


until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Thursday, June 18, 2020


Looks like hubby has an audience while he's doing the dishes. I think they are hoping for some scraps to come their way but we don't do that at casa chihuahua. oh well, girls. better luck next time. not!

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


ok, so i'm not really trapped, but she just looks so comfy i don't want to take the chance of disturbing her by moving my hand. it's ok, i don't have anywhere to go. i'll just stay here until she moves on her own.

blog hop

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

snoozing weather

"this weather is perfect for a little snooze. i think i'll just..."


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until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Monday, June 15, 2020

hey bee

hey bee, why don't you ever want to look into the camera?

thank you.

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until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Friday, June 12, 2020

pillow hog

do you have a pillow hog in your home? i do. but i don't mind one bit.

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Thursday, June 11, 2020

half and half

standing half on and half off of her bed doesn't look like a very comfortable way to eat but oh well. if she's ok with it, then i'm ok with it.

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

lap napping

we had a very pleasant evening yesterday. the weather was nice enough to sit outside after dinner and just relax. bailey kinda overdid it on the relaxing and fell asleep on my lap. BOL

blog hop

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Monday, June 8, 2020

bee's back

i love when bee comes for a visit. her last visit was in january, right before this whole covid thing started, and i've missed her!

i think she likes to come here just so she can bask in our southern california sun. BOL

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until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Friday, June 5, 2020

miss piggy

i am happy to report that bailey pigged-out yesterday. she had a bowl of mac 'n cheese for lunch and a full plate of white rice, peas, baked potato, chicken skin (yes, just the skin. she can't eat the meat because it causes her seizures) and chicken broth. she even had a tasty dessert of pound cake, ice cream and a dollop of whipped cream. it was quite the feast!

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Thursday, June 4, 2020

to eat or not to eat

bailey hadn't eaten all day so i offered her a little bowl of her favorite dish: macaroni and cheese! how could she refuse? she stayed there, looking at it, pondering whether or not she was wanted it.

"nope, i'm not hungry right now. maybe i'll eat it later."

darn! i thought for sure she'd want mac 'n cheese! guess i'll have to dig deeper into my bag of tricks.

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


are you ready? here we go.
3... it won't be long...

2... almost there...

1... sweet dreams little bailey.

blog hop

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-

Monday, June 1, 2020

frog legs

bailey never lays with frog legs but over the weekend i was scratching her little butt and she threw her legs back! i didn't even know she could lay like this. ribbit! BOL

blog hop

until we meet again my friends-