as promised in
tuesday's post, here are more mockingbird photos.
baby #1 was the first to leave the nest. the next day when baby #2 left the nest, baby #1 was waiting for him under the orange tree. then they ran to the opposite end of our yard, together.
this is how they settled in for the night, side by side, but totally out in the open. i was so worried for them because they were completely defenseless to any predator that could come by.
baby #1 is on the left and baby #2 is on the right.
first thing the next morning i went to check on them and was thrilled to see both were safe and sound. that day they discovered my honeysuckle plant and that became their shelter. whew!
baby #1 in front and baby #2 in back.
cheer up buttercup!
the parents are still bringing food but their meals have gotten larger. it looks like moth is on today's menu.
i love his fuzzy little head.
baby #1
baby #2 is a little leaner.
they are very active and don't stay in one place very long. every time i'd go to check on them, they were in a different spot.
baby #2 is on the handle and baby #1 is riding up front.
this is the last pic i got before they hopped over the fence and went next door. baby #1 hopped over first, then the next day baby #2 joined him. i was so sad to see them go but i'm so happy for the time they were here. goodbye little birdies. please be safe and if you are ever in need of housing, mi casa es su casa.
the parents started building their nest at the end of march.
the babies were born at the end of april.
they were running around our yard the first week of may.
they grow so fast!
"finally, no more backyard restrictions!"

thanks to
ruckus the eskie, love is being owned by a husky &
barking from the bayou for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.
until we meet again my friends-