does this picture make you smile or cringe?
it makes me cringe and i'll tell you why.
yes he looks cute and chances are he's loving it but it's more dangerous than you probably realize.
i'm sure you know that rocks kicked up by cars can dent your grill or shatter your windshield. just imagine the damage that little projectile could do to fido's face if it happens to hit him while he's hanging out of the window!
another concern is all the dust and pollen flying right into fido's face. this would cause havoc to a dog with allergies. not to mention the wind blowing into his ears that could bring on ear infections. and those little bugs that end up squished on your windshield? what if one ended up in fido's eye, ear or nose?
jumping or falling out of your car is another real possibility. even if he's tethered inside, if he jumps out, he could hang himself.
i don't want this post to go on too long but i have just one more thing to say. this person has the window half way up. there is a chance that this size of a dog could accidentally step on the power window switch, roll the window up and choke himself.
don't risk your dog's health, or life.
keep them safe.
keep them inside.
pass it on

until we meet again my friends-