Thursday, May 2, 2013

dog key

does your lowe's have a self-service key machine? ours does and look at the key i found in there! a cute little doggie. they didn't have this last time i looked into the machine, so i was excited that they added a key for dog lovers.

you just swipe your credit/debit card in the machine, put your key in the slot and choose your design. the machine then grabs the key you selected, cuts it and a minute later you have your new key. this doggie key now unlocks the gate to my backyard. (when all the keys on your key chain are kwikset, they all look the same. having a different design for each lock makes life much simpler.)

bailey approves.

until we meet again my friends-


  1. Aw I hadn't seen that one yet- cute

  2. How cool is that! Your very own key
    Benny & Lily

  3. super cool!! (if I shopped at Lowe's)


  4. How cute! I used to have the pink Princess key for a long time, but I have never seen the dog!

  5. That is so cute. I haven't seen one of those before. I did purchase a key cover/grip that is a cute chihuahua though. It makes it so easy to find the right key.

  6. Dang that is adorable...And Lowe's is totally dog friendly...I see Gizmo and me going on a field trip this weekend! Thanks for sharing

  7. How cool is that? Did they have any other things besides the dog, like a cat? Sorry dog lovers, but I used to have a dog.

    1. they have several designs but i didn't see any kitties. i'll be on the lookout for a cat for you.

  8. Love it! Gonna check these out next trip to Lowes. Thanks!
