Monday, March 28, 2016

hoppy easter weekend

i hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, whether you celebrated easter or not.

we had a very nice weekend but it was very busy. bailey got so tired, she fell asleep with her bunny ears on!

if you wanna hear how tired bailey was, check out this short video and be sure to have your sound on. BOL

until we meet again my friends-


  1. Bailey you are the CUTEST bunny EVER!!! Love this! DakotasDen

  2. Those are cute little sounds and Bailey you look simply marvelous in your bunny ears.

  3. You are the cutest bunny on earth
    Lily & Edward

  4. Bailey you are just the sweetest thing!!

  5. Adorable bunny!!!

  6. OMD! GURL, you have out BUNNED yourself!!! Those are the cutest bunnie ears evers!!! I can't believes you fell asleep with them on your heads!!! OMD, I shook mine off my head, then ran away with them..hehehehe
    OMD, your snoring is sooooo cute!!! Butts, it kinda sounds like my pharts! BOL!!!!
    Ruby ♥
