Thursday, March 31, 2016

flower power

don't you just love spring? there are bursts of color everywhere.

the past couple of days have been really windy and on yesterday's walk bailey found a piece of palm tree bark that had blown off of the tree. she was afraid to approach it at first but after she gathered her courage, she thought it was quite interesting.

thanks to ruckus the eskie, love is being owned by a husky & barking from the bayou for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-


  1. The spring blooming is really underway here now and it's so lovely. I spend every minute I can outside. Your sweater is a burst of color too Bailey!

  2. Yes we do love spring. Bailey what size do you take? Martha Stewart sent me something little
    Lily & Edward

  3. Do look forward to spring every year it's my favorite season. Those yellow flowers are so pretty just like you, sweet Bailey.

  4. Wow it's bigger than you are! No wonder you were afraid! DakotasDen
