Tuesday, November 25, 2014

don't play in the playpen

we bought bailey a playpen so she can have a safe place to stay when she isn't being held.

when she lifts her head, she looks like a little bobble head doll :(

yesterday's vet visit went well. he still wants her to remain calm. he offered her a treat and he was happy that she recognized it and ate it! he said we can add pancakes, waffles & yogurt to her diet. she can also have baby food, as long as onion is not on the list of ingredients of course. he's not too happy with her back legs being crossed so he said when we see that, just uncross them and that will remind her brain of their proper position. she is to continue on her medications and he wants to see her again next monday.

i don't want to sound like a broken record, but i must thank you again for keeping my little bailey in your thoughts and prayers. xoxo

until we meet again my friends-


  1. We will be right here with you, Bailey! And please let us be the ones crossing our paws for you! No need for you to do it! :)

  2. We think of you every day, Bailey! Keeping our paws crossed!!

  3. Bailey you don't know how much we send good vibes and think of you every single day. We check here and Facebook for every update,. Don't worry about your back legs. Mine are so weak from my back operation they cross all the time when I stand and mom uncrosses them too. Love you little girl. All our 8 feets plus moms are crossed for you
    Lily & Edward

  4. Oh Bailey.....sending lots of Higgy love to you from Tennessee! My paws have been crossed from the moment I found out! Praying everyday!!

    xoxo Higgy

  5. Oh she looks such a little scrap there in her pen.
    So, so very pleased that she's making such an amazing recovery. Go Bailey we are very proud of you
    Big loves and healing licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. My legs criss cross sometimes too, because of my IVDD back surgery. And sometimes I list to one side, but it's okay. I just know you'll be okay too, Bailey! Just be careful with your little head, okay? <3


  7. She is your own little holiday miracle this year. Keep strong, Bailey!

  8. Continuing to pray for a full recovery.

    Janice, Snuggles, Sassy, and Dixie

  9. Continuing our thoughts and prayers for you and your sweet little girl. This is a Thanksgiving with much to be thankful for as she continues on her path of recovery ~

  10. I'm so glad to hear she is continuing to recover. My thoughts and prayers continue for both of you.

  11. we will pray forever!!!!!! Sending much love!

  12. We're still praying that Miss Bailey makes a full recovery ...
    Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty, Whitney and Jaxzyn

  13. Continuing my prayers for little Bailey's healing.


  14. Poor baby. We're happy to see she is home and making progress.

  15. Oh gurl, it is FABulous to see you lift your head up and look like you really want to gets up and cause some trouble! I am keepin' my paws crossed for you and sendin' you lots of AireZens and {{{{hugs}}}}
    Ruby ♥

  16. I have just got back from Holland but was wondering how Bailey was while I was away. So happy to see she is showing some good signs of recovery.
    Lynne x

  17. Bailey is looking so much better! The playpen is a great idea, & cute too!
