Sunday, February 26, 2012

liebster blog award

last week i was awarded the liebster blog award by one pibble's wish, a blogger that is trying to change the misconception of the pit bull, one blog at a time. if you haven't checked them out, stop by and tell them bailey sent you!

i am fairly new to the blogosphere but am enjoying sharing bailey's stories with whoever cares to read them and i really do appreciate your comments. it's nice to know i am not just talking to myself. it's also nice to know that i'm not the only one obsessed with their dog. meeting fellow dog lovers is a kick!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congrats Bailey and we checked out Pibble's blog, he is a cutie and Mom is always out for anyone trying to change the misconception many have of the pitties. I love reading about Bailey and seeing her pictures, Bailey's little face just melts me.

    1. aww, thanks. that's so sweet of you to say :)

  3. Congrats on your well deserved award!!!

