Friday, April 14, 2017

gone with the wind

in february we had baby hummingbirds. and just 9 days after those birds left, i found another egg in the nest, and 5 days after that, a second egg appeared.

6 march
hummingbird eggs | via

28 march
baby hummingbirds | via

31 march
baby hummingbirds | via

4 april
baby hummingbirds | via

sunday mommy bird stepped up her feeding. she kept coming and with each feeding the baby 1 would flutter and test out his wings.

10 april
baby hummingbird trying out his wings | via

he would even fly out of the nest and back in again.

baby hummingbird getting ready to leave the nest | via

he left monday morning leaving baby 2 alone.

baby hummingbird | via

mommy came back to continue feeding baby 2 that monday but on tuesday, she never came back. i had been hearing a chirping all morning and when i went out to investigate, i noticed it was baby 2! she was calling her mommy, but mommy never came. she was hungry and all i could do was hope mommy would show up. it broke my heart to hear her chirping for food and not being able to help.

i ran back in the house to grab my still camera and when i came back outside i found her on our swing cushion, still calling for her mommy and still getting no response.

11 april
baby hummingbird fresh out of her nest | via

the eggs came almost a week apart, so even though they hatched one day apart, i felt baby 2 was much younger. i'm positive that if mommy had come to feed baby 2, she would have stayed in the nest a couple more days, growing a little more and doing her practice flights, like her sibling. i'm confident that baby 1 was ready to leave and is enjoying life in this crazy world but i pray for baby 2.
and then, in the blink of an eye, she flew over our fence and was gone with the wind. stay safe little one. godspeed.

to honor sugar and her constant smile, i looked and looked for a smiley picture of bailey that would be worthy, and this is what i found :)

chihuahua bailey with a happy smile

until we meet again my friends-


  1. I have a smile also knowing that the little hummingbird is safely on his way.

  2. How neat that you got to watch baby hummingbirds. We are purring that they are safe. Do you have a hummingbird feeder nearby?

  3. An amazing story of these cute spring babies! I just love babies! And Bailey you have a beautiful smile!

    Puppy Growls,

  4. Those are sooo cute! There's a nest of bluebird eggs in a fence post right by our house.

  5. How awesome and cool is that!!
    Lily & Edward

  6. your smile is super beautiful... and I love the bird story... and we hope that I can write such a post too once... when the blackberds in our tool shed are born and raised :o)

  7. I too hope and pray baby 2 is safe. Bailey love the pic.

  8. Love it <3 Do you know humming bird symbolizes the enjoyment of life - perfect to have a happy SMILE. Lots of Golden Thanks, Rosalyn - SUGAR's mom

  9. Thank you for sharing these amazing photos! Pinned two of them because they are fascinating to see. I hope Baby 2 is okay - probably yes, they are little survivors and stronger than they look. Love the happy pic of Bailey at the end too.
