Wednesday, December 23, 2020

dreaming of a white christmas

bailey may be dreaming of a white christmas but i just checked the forecast and it shows that it's gonna be sunny and warm. sorry bailey, no snow this year. (that's why they call it "sunny southern california")

blog hop

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-


  1. Why wouldn't Christmas be sunny after all? Thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas in sunny California!

  2. Yes southern California doesn't get that white stuff. Enjoy the warm though. I's cold in central California.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. The white stuff leaves a lot to be desired. Right now it COLD and icy here. Staying inside is in our forecast!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Barb

  4. Sweet Bailey, snow for Christmas can be overrated - enjoy your sunshine!

  5. We usually get a white Christmas here in the Great White North but right now we hardly have any snow and we're supposed to get rain tomorrow. It'll be a mess; we'd rather have snow but not too much.

  6. We have had torrents of rain here and now it is forecast to freeze tomorrow. That should make life interesting with all the water run off and floods everywhere!

  7. Our Christmas gift will be 50 degree weather with rain falling on top of the 40 inches of snow we got last Wednesday/Thursday, and then the whole mess freezing Friday morning. Oh yes floods, too. A true 2020 Christmas. Alana

  8. we had an unusually sunny and warm day today.....what the heck? Have a lovely day !
