Friday, January 17, 2020

unexpected trip

bailey has been feeling a bit under the weather this week. she's had quite a bit of congestion and some trouble breathing so we made an unexpected trip to the vet yesterday. turns out she had a low heart rate and a fever. doc gave her 2 shots and 2 prescriptions to bring home (an antibiotic and another to help bring her heart rate up to a safe level). he mentioned heart disease so we have a follow up visit next week to discuss it further. hopefully the meds will do the trick and all will be fine but until then please keep my little girl in your thoughts and prayers. thank you.

until we meet again my friends-


  1. Get better soon, Miss Bailey. We all love you and love seeing what you're up to. Big healing scritches. ♥

  2. Prayers for you sweet Bailey, hope you are much better today with the two shots you had yesterday. You must take your meds, ok...

  3. OH NOES! Oh gurl, I am sendin' lots and lots of POTP and healin' vibes and margaritas (for your Moms....) and tons of AireZens!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  4. Get well soon, B. Medicine is amazing. We hope these meds do the trick for you.

    Love and licks,

  5. Oh, dear Bailey, I hope you are doing better...
