Monday, April 14, 2014

feed me

i think our little piggy aoife is missing the "i'm full" gene. she's always hungry. when i put her bowl down, she inhales it in a matter of minutes, then she goes to stand by bailey to see if she can steal anything off of her plate. they always need supervision at mealtime because aoife is a food thief and she will eat bailey's food if left unattended.

thanks to alfie's blog, my brown newfies & snoopy's dog blog for hosting monday mischief blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-


  1. I know how you fell Aoife. I fell exact the same LOL.

  2. What an adorable picture. And I agree, an empty food bowl is a very sad sight indeed.

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  3. Hmmmmm sure sounds familiar
    Lily & Edward

  4. Who could possibly resist those eyes? Love the rug also

  5. Bentley is also a bottomless pit and will steal Pierre's food too. Haha

  6. Oh my - this is me (oink) to a tee! I had to get bloodwork done because I am always hungry and vet feared I might have pancreatitis, turns out -according to the vet - I'm just a pig.
