Monday, March 26, 2012

stormy weather

yesterday we had terrible weather. we were stuck in the house all day with a storm pounding outside. poor bailey had no sun. so to stay busy, we played with lots of toys. i line her toys up and she picks the one she wants to play with. how do you keep your doggies busy when the weather outside is frightful? how do you keep them out of mischief?


  1. That looks like a good way to keep her occupied, we play with toys too and unfortunately, there is no keeping them out of mischief!
    Lynne x

  2. Sorry about the crappy weather! We will send warm thoughts! As for keeping us occupied not to cause mischief....HA. We find mischief everywhere. BOL! Unless mama is playing with us non-stop all day long, even then we find something. :)

  3. Stormy weather is the worst- I do the same thing you do though, toys toys and more toys!

  4. Oh we know the feeling!!
    Benny & Lily

  5. Out of Mischief? That's kinda impossible isn't it? Tee Hee

    My Mum either takes me in the car to the pet store or she gets the clicky thing out (laser pen) and I sprint around the house chasing it until I'm all pooped!!

    I hope your weather gets good again soon, I think we're getting some rain soon too - doh!!

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  6. Found you on the blog hop ... You are one cute pup! We have a Bailey too :) And hope you get some nice weather soon!!
