Thursday, June 4, 2020

to eat or not to eat

bailey hadn't eaten all day so i offered her a little bowl of her favorite dish: macaroni and cheese! how could she refuse? she stayed there, looking at it, pondering whether or not she was wanted it.

"nope, i'm not hungry right now. maybe i'll eat it later."

darn! i thought for sure she'd want mac 'n cheese! guess i'll have to dig deeper into my bag of tricks.

until we meet again my friends, stay safe-


  1. You need to eat, Miss Bailey. I know the mom will work on this until she comes up with something you want to eat.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  2. Sometimes we can't eat cause of the heat, perhaps today you will eat. Enjoy your day sweetie.

  3. Bailey that mac & cheese looks really yummy in the photos. We hope you went down for a little taste later on. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  4. Gurl, I sure hopes you're feelin' well, and just are waiting for the Top Shelf foodables! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  5. Darn it, B. I would've loved to help you eat that mac and cheese.

    Love and licks,
