Tuesday, March 24, 2020

under the weather, part 2

bailey had a very long vet visit yesterday. i took her in at 10.30, because she had thrown up saturday and hadn't eaten all weekend, and i didn't pick her up till 3.30! i didn't know i was gonna have to leave her but doc noticed how dehydrated she had become so he admitted her immediately to administer fluids, run some tests and take some x-rays. her blood test results will come back today but her x-ray showed a mass. she has another appointment this morning at 8 to get her blood test results and to get more info. hopefully it won't be devastating news, although pancreatitis is a possibility. please send your her stongest POTP. thank you.

(not so) happy tuesday blog hop

until we meet again my friends-


  1. Sweet Bailey, we pray for you and send you a ton of potp!!!
    Hope you will get better soon.
    Hugs and kisses
    Paloma with Maya

  2. Prayers for sweet Miss Bailey and her peeps too. Please keep us in the loop.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Healing gentle hugs to Miss Bailey. ♥

  3. We have our paws crossed tight for you little Bailey.

  4. Please come home with better news dear little Bailey. Praying for you.

  5. Oh noes! Oh my pal, I gots my paws crossed real tight for you! I am sendin' lots and lots of POTP and AireZens your way.
    Ruby ♥

  6. Sending prayers and hugs and lots and lots of POTP. 💕💙💚💕

  7. Awwww what a cutie pie! Sorry to hear he's so sick. Sending doggy prayers for your puppy. You stay healthy too! Don't take any chances out there.

  8. Mom and I said prayers for you, B. We want the doctors to help you feel better. Don't be afraid. #potp

    Love and licks,
