Tuesday, October 15, 2019

amish buggy

part of the fun of antiquing is that you never know what you're gonna find. for example, the other day we found this old amish buggy. awesome, don’t you think? we thought this would make a fantastic photo op for bailey, so if you take a closer look into the surrey, you’ll see what i mean.

"did you see me? here i am!"

in it’s heyday, it must have looked like this:

blog hop

until we meet again my friends-


  1. You look adorable no matter where you're posing. Yes you do. I love Amish country.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  2. I saw you! BARELY! BOL!!! Hey, scooch overs...I'll drive to the beach so we can gets us some margaritas!!! all we needs is a really big doggie to pull us....
    Ruby ♥

  3. Well that was a nice outing for you Bailey and you look so cute as always.
