Thursday, January 12, 2017

cold & wet

it's been very cold, and very wet, all week and bailey's had enough. if you need her, she'll be under her afghan, in front of the heater.

until we meet again my friends-


  1. Get out the second blanket. It's suppose to be colder tomorrow
    Lily & Edward

  2. Be glad you aren't in Michigan! We are the same right now DakotasDen

  3. It certainly is blankets and heater weather alright. It's so wet outside, stay nice and warm little Bailey.

  4. OMD, ME TOOOOOOO!!!! All kinds of flooding here, and we STILL didn't see the sun today! The weather peeps SAY that'll be dry the next few days before MORE storms come next week!!!!! Nows, I knows we need it, butts does it all have to come at once??? Just sayin'....
    Stay warm and (as dry as you can)
    Ruby ♥
