Thursday, June 16, 2016

choose love

sending love and prayers to those affected by the tragedy in orlando.

rainbow dots collar available at kibbles place.

thanks to ruckus the eskie, love is being owned by a husky & barking from the bayou for hosting thoughtless thursday blog hop.

until we meet again my friends-


  1. Sigh - I am so with you on this one Bailey.
    Love Noodles

  2. Yes indeed, love and prayers for Orlando. Thank you Bailey for being so thoughtful.

  3. Oh, Bailey, you are so, so cute, I really would love to snuggle you and cuddle you but I'm a kitty. May not happen. Still, you are irresistible and mama LOVES Chihuahuas. Let's hope she loves kitties more just now. And yes, Orlando is horrendous. Who are these people with such hatred.
