Tuesday, June 24, 2014


aoife has two favorite activities: eating and playing. she is 8 1/2 years old but when it comes to playtime, you'd think she was a puppy. she will take all her toys out of her toy bin until she finds the one she wants to play with. (as you can see by the mess of toys behind her.) when i took this picture, she had just chosen her bone toy and is asking me to play with her. she is very vocal. she will start with a low whine and escalate to a loud bark if she is ignored. is your pup a playful pooch or more of a couch potato?

"will you play toy with me?"

until we meet again my friends-


  1. Bailie plays with toys quite a bit, I don't care much for toys and Katie will be up for a soccer ball or game of tug a war now and then, but none of us are wild about toys.

  2. We are so playful it's nutty. We take 87 toys out of our boxes. We strategically place bones so mom steps on them, BOL
    Lily & Edward

  3. OMD, I am SO a playdog!!! I loves all my toys, and even though Ma says I have enough toys to play with, I always thinks I need more!
    I am ALWAYS up for a game of soccer!! (sorry...'football'! bol)
    Ruby ♥
