Friday, October 4, 2013

cold in the mid 70's?

yesterday we had a bit of wind and the temp dropped a little from the previous few days. bailey was not pleased. this is how she cozied herself up. can you imagine how she'll be when winter arrives? anyone know where i can buy a parka for a 4# chihuahua? BOL

until we meet again my friends-


  1. Poor Bailey! You better find a good way to bundle her up for the winter!
    *Cairn cuddles*

  2. When I rescued my pommie girl she had a shaved tummy due to just having been spayed. I live in PA and found her a warm lined winter coat at Petsmart.

  3. Have you ever looked at Honeysuckle on facebook buys a lot her clothes from there. She lives in Alaska.

    Janice, Snuggles, Sassy, Dixie

  4. Bailey
    It is 10 degrees warmer today than yesterday but it feels colder because it is soooo windy! I almost blew over when I went out to do my bidness. And don't tell Mommy but Molly didn't REALLY go out to do hers (ulp).
    Love Noodles

  5. Judy & Bailey....
    This picture. As a writer, I have only one word to describe it. Adorable!! ;op

  6. It is because you are so little Bailey. We are roasting hot in the 70's with our thick hair.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  7. Just get an over the shoulder baby carrier and keep her close to your bosom She is after all, your baby

  8. Aww poor little Bailey. We have a few warm sweaters/shirts and lots of blankies to cover Sookie's hairless body for when the cold arrives.

  9. I surely hope she doesn't live in MN...we enjoy the super cold below zero temps but that might drive your Bailey to desperate measures!

  10. Don't feel bad Bailey, we were under all the blankets too
    Benny & Lily

  11. We'll come snuggle with you, Bailey! That will keep you warm ...

    Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

  12. There's a giveaway going on right now that I saw in my email earlier today: They have a parka there we were looking at for Barkly since he was unhappy in the wind last winter. It says it is rated the heaviest parka for dogs. You could probably get a lot of cold weather stuff if you won the raffle!
